Statutory Nuisances

11.8.52.L2 Updated on:

The law protects neighbours affected by smells, noise and other nuisances.

Who administers the law

The law gives Health and Community Services a duty to investigate and stop nuisances in private homes, industrial, trade or business premises.

Officers from the Environmental Health Department at Maison Le Pape will administer the law and serve abatement notices on behalf of the Minister.


An appeals procedure will be put in place for those who have been served an abatement notice and feel that it is not justified.

Problems with noise due to lack of insulation

The Department is not able to take action regarding noise nuisance caused by lack of insulation, for instance in a house converted into flats if the noise is day-to-day noise rather than loud music or DIY. Day-to-day noise would be toilets flushing, normal level of television, people walking about and closing doors.

Guidelines on noise control for construction sites

The normal business hours which the Department would be likely to require from a building site are –

  • 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday
  • 8.00am to 1.00pm Saturday
  • No working on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

Nuisance complaints

There are no set restrictions on times that are acceptable for noise in private homes.  Some leases will have a clause restricting noise between certain times.  If noise from neighbours becomes a nuisance, please see Nuisance complaints.

Further details

Clients should be referred to the Environmental Health Department – Tel:+44 1534 445808