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Death Law

Welcome to the Death Law section.

Cremations, Cemeteries and Graves

The Crematorium Westmount Road St Helier JE2 3LP Tel: +44 1534 444880 Email: jerseycrematorium@gov.je Are there any restrictions on the movement of ashes in and out of Jersey? There are no restrictions on the movement of cremated ashes in or out of the Island. Scattering of ashes Ashes may be brought over to Jersey for […]

Death of Non-Residents

Please see Grant of probate (non-Jersey domicile) (gov.je)


It can be beneficial to discuss death and what you might wish to happen at your funeral while you are alive.  It is a subject that most of us do not want to talk about but if people know the deceased person’s wishes in advance, it is much easier to arrange their funeral in the […]

Inquests and Coroners

Please see Sudden deaths, inquests and the coroner’s role (gov.je).

Registration of Death

Please see Register a death (gov.je).

Sudden Death

Certify and register Please see Sudden deaths, inquests and the coroner’s role (gov.je) If the death is sudden, contact the person’s GP if known or the Ambulance Service and Police. Support Please see Bereavement counselling and support groups The General Hospital will put you in touch with someone who can provide bereavement support in the event […]

Viscounts Department

Please see Viscount’s Department (gov.je)
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