Community Mediation

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Community Mediation

The service is meant to offer help in settling small scale disputes between neighbours, friends and between those doing business together.

Both parties must live in Jersey and be able to attend the mediation in person. It will not be possible for lawyers to attend these mediations but parties will be able to bring a friend or interpreter.

If one of the parties involved in the dispute is a company, it will only be possible if either the beneficial owner of the company or a representative of the company who has the authority to make a decision and agree a settlement on behalf of the company, will be available to attend mediation.

It costs each party to the mediation £20.00 which you do not get back if the mediation is not successful. Mediation should always be considered before legal action is taken as the success rate is fairly high.

Click on this leaflet which explains how the service works and you can apply for mediation by using this Community Mediation Form.

Other forms of Mediation

Mediation in the Petty Debts Court here.

Family Mediation Jersey here.