Jersey Blue Badge Scheme

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What is the Blue Badge Scheme?

The scheme is to help people who have mobility problems  park close to amenities and shops when they park their vehicles.

The scheme is similar to that which operates in the UK and the rest of the EU. The rights of badge holders are set out below.

See also

What does the Blue Badge look like?

The Jersey Blue Badge is very similar to the UK’s badge, the main difference is that anything relating  to the EU has been removed in line with the Island’s status as being outside of the EU. On the back of the badge is a photograph of the badge holder. The name of the badge holder does not appear on the front of the badge, only on the back. The badge is laminated.

Who can have a badge?

Anyone who has a permanent and substantial disability, which causes them unable to walk or only walk with difficulty  (unable to walk without help or for more than 100 metres without resting); or is registered blind with Eyecan (formerly the Jersey Blind Society).

Warning – it is a criminal offence to use or display the badge when the badge holder is not travelling in the vehicle. It is the responsibility of the badge holder to make sure the badge is used properly.

How should the badge be displayed?

The badge must be displayed on top of the dashboard or front panel of the vehicle with the front of the badge (the side showing the wheelchair symbol) facing forward so that the details can be clearly seen from the outside when in a disabled parking bay.

Warning – If you don’t display the badge correctly it will result in a parking fine.

When asked by a Parking Official, badge holders have to show their photograph on the back of the badge so they can check the right person is using it.

What rights does the badge provide in Jersey?

On-street and off-street parking spaces designated for disabled drivers.  Parking in undesignated spaces will require the appropriate payment.

Parking disc clocks

Parking disc clocks are displayed, where required, to indicate the time of arrival of a vehicle in a parking space. Only particular types of parking disc clocks are recognised and failing to use the right form of parking disc clock will result in a parking fine.

Paycards are the only recognised alternative to the specified parking disc clocks. You can buy Paycards from most newsagent shops, garages, supermarkets and some other shops.

Recognised parking disc clocks are the standard yellow disc clock commonly available to all drivers parking in Jersey, or a disabled persons European style blue parking disc clock, which is recognised throughout Europe.

Parking discs clocks can be bought from the Town Hall.

What must not be done?

Badge holders must not allow their badge to be used by any other person. If they do, the badge will taken away and where the law has been broken, both parties will be prosecuted.

The badge must not be copied.

The badge must not be used after the expiry date.

Parking on yellow lines is not allowed at any time, if you do it will result in a parking fine.

How to get a badge

Applications must be made on the appropriate form to the Town Greffier, Town Hall, St Helier. A fee of £15 is charged for each application to cover administration costs. The badge is valid for three years. It is not necessary to have a medical at this time, however the application must be endorsed by the applicant’s Doctor.

Can I use the badge outside Jersey?

Badge holders are able to use their badge wherever they are in the United Kingdom (UK) or the rest of the European Union (EU). You can get further details of the benefits available in each EU State by contacting:

Department for Transport
Disability Policy Branch, Mobility Unit
Zone 1/11, Great Minster House
76 Marsham Street

Tel: +44  20 7944 6800

An information leaflet is available from the Town Hall, the Parking Control Office at Sand Street car park or from CAB.

It is hoped that these reciprocal arrangements can be extended to other countries that, like Jersey, are outside of the EU. You can get details of the arrangements, where they exist, from the address above or from the individual State.

Can UK and other EU badges be used in Jersey?

Yes, all European blue badges are accepted in Jersey for use by visitors and should be used in the same way as Jersey’s badges.

UK badge holders should note the one important difference from UK practice is that vehicles may NOT park on yellow lines at any time. If you park on a yellow line you will get a parking fine.

Badges issued outside the EU

You should check with DfI Parking Control Office at Sand Street Car Park and you can get further information from

DfI Parking Control Office
Sand Street Car Park,
Sand Street,
St Helier,

Tel: + 44 1534 448660.