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Welcome to the Organisations section.

Banking in Jersey

Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman (CIFO) The Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman (CIFO) covers financial services provided in/from Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark. Home – Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman (ci-fo.org) In the UK Problems arising in the UK can be directed to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Financial Ombudsman Service: our homepage (financial-ombudsman.org.uk) Jersey Financial Services Commission The […]

Community Savings Ltd

What is Community Savings? Community Savings Ltd has been formed to operate as Jersey’s first credit union. Community Savings is a self-help savings and loan co-operative whose purpose is to encourage members to save regularly, provide low-interest loans and free financial advice. Savings Members save on a regular basis either weekly or monthly. Members have […]

Credit Reference Agencies

What is a credit reference agency (‘CRA’)? A credit reference agency is an organisation that collects information about people’s credit rating and supplies this information to banks, finance organisations, retailers etc. The information is provided so that if an organisation is going to lend money to someone e.g. to buy a car or a mortgage. […]

Debt Collection Agencies

Debt collectors signed up to the Debt Collectors’ Code of Conduct can be found here: Companies signed up to the debt collectors’ code of conduct (gov.je) The Code of Conduct itself can be found here: Debt collectors’ code of conduct (gov.je)
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